Top 10 Funny Images Of Cats Trying To Hide From The Vet

Sometimes we have to take our pet cat to the vet and sometimes our cat has no alternative accept to try to hide anywhere possible!

Cats can be so strong and independent most of the time but when it comes to visiting the vet, well that’s a whole new story.

Many cats and dogs will start to show signs of sheer panic when you pull up at the vets. We know this is quite scary for your pet but also when looking back can seam quite funny in hind sight.


Check out our top 10 images below of the cats that had the most severe reactions whilst visiting their friendly vet clinic.

Is your cat a wimp when it comes to visiting the vet?

Top 10 Funny Images Of Cats Trying To Hide From The Vet

Above all the main thing is to stay calm and not show any signs of panic!

That’s a nice smile

Top 10 Funny Images Of Cats Trying To Hide From The Vet

For example when the vet approaches show him your best smile. Although maybe not so much of the canine teeth.

Time to come out of the closet

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In the mean time take time to check out your surrounding. Many animals think that if they can’t see you then you can’t see them. But the vet always knows where you are hiding. Especially if you are in their surgery.

Don’t pull me leg

In particular hide surroundings that are well out of sight of the vet. If only they didn’t see my leg poking out of the hole.

Time to sink or swim

So then let’s see how many cats can fit in one sink. It is true that most cats do not like water. But when it comes to hiding from a vet any hide out is better than nothing.

If I don’t move then nobody will even know I’m here

In this case one is a much better fit than two. Sometimes less is not more. Sometimes it just means a better hiding place for one.

I might have put on some weight because I don’t seam to fit under here

In the first place I have recently lost weight so I am sure I can fit under here comfortably!

I’m living in a box, I’m living a cardboard box

As a result of my new fashion sense I am going to try on this box as a new box hat. Cats can fit into surprisingly small spaces. But in the case even the smallest cat would not fit in that space.

It must be time for your annual screening

By the way I am not really trying to hide I am just checking out the power supply to this laptop.

No point in losing your head about it

Top 10 Funny Images Of Cats Trying To Hide From The Vet

To the left/right can you spot where the head is supposed to be?

It is not so funny when you see your own pet suffering from anxiety when you take them to see the vet. So what can you do to help. Many vets recommend that you can help your pet feel less stressed if you follow a few simple procedures. 

Prepare them their visit by doing the following.

  1. Bring them in hungry. That does not mean starve them. But you could give them a little less food than you normally do.
  2. Make the journey fun by continually talking to them in a calm and friendly voice throughout the journey.
  3. Use some treats to encourage them.
  4. Participate with the vet by helping to hold and control them without overly petting them. Remember if you sound anxious your pet will feel anxious.
  5. Continue to talk your pet and the vet calmly throughout the visit.

We hope these few simple points will help you on your next visit to the vet.

Want more top 10’s then go here

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