Do you think you have good eyesight then we challenge you to spot the deadly snake in this deadly snake photo. All of  that these workers missed it!

Any time you enter a rain forest you could easily find yourself in close proximity to danger as this deadly snake photo shows.

When you stop, sit and gather from the forest floor is when you are most at risk.

One snake that is renowned not just as being most deadly but also practically invisible to see because of supreme camouflage is the Gaboon viper.

Deadly Snake Photo

In the first place we see workers clearing the forest floor oblivious to the near by danger.

Deadly Snake Photo

In this case their lives are in danger even though they don’t know it.

Image Credit Reptileforums

Deadly snake photo, here you can see just how enormous the Gaboon pit viper can grow.

Deadly Snake Photo
Image Credit Animalspot

Beyond doubt these snakes have the longest fangs of all snakes which can reach 2 inches in length.

However the only thing worse than one set of giant fangs is two sets of giant fangs. Sometimes these snakes come double packed.

This is a lucky victim because they lived to tell the tale!

Gaboon Viper Facts

These impressive snakes come from sub Saharan Africa. Gaboon’s are the largest vipers in Africa and have the biggest venom yield (amount injected through fangs) of any snake.

They can grow to 5 feet in length but some individuals have reached 6 and a half feet. A standard size Gaboon can weigh 20 pounds with an empty stomach but large ones can be as much as 25 pounds.

The camouflage of this snake is unmatched and they is why so many people are accidentally bitten.

In their natural habitat the Gaboon will live on the forest floor where is will wait invisibly for a rodent to pass by. Then as quick as lightning it will strike at its prey. It lets go and then follows the scent trail to where its victim lays

As deadly and scary as they may appear the Gaboon viper otherwise known as a Puff adder is a very unique and impressive reptile.

Many parts of the tropical world have arboreal snakes, these are most feared.

Rather then getting bitten on the ground they strike from trees.

venom danger

Banana plantations are places this most commonly happen.

deadly snake

There a venomous snakes in all three images above. Can you spot them?

Much of the time when you are working in these area and you spot a snake you only have one option. You must find a way to capture or kill the snake so that you and your fellow workers can stay safe. However most of the time the tree loving snakes go un-noticed.

The most dangerous harvest in the world

Studies show that India is the most dangerous place in the world for snake bite fatalities by far.

Every year India has around 81,000 snake bites registered. From these a staggering 11,000 people will die each year.

Rice harvest deadly snake photo

Tea plantations hold large amounts of dangerous poisonous snakes of many varieties. Russel’s viper, Indian cobra, Krait, saw scaled viper and king cobra just to mention a few.

Many of these snakes live in the tea plant. Collecting tea leaves is incredible dangerous. Many plantation collect snakes daily but this only gets a small number of deadly snakes. 

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More deadly animals can be seen in this article Top 10 most dangerous beaches in the world

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